
Showing posts from May, 2016

Perfecting the sock monkeys

When I first started  Way back when I first started making sock monkeys it was just for fun they became popular and although I was making Handmade bag charms they took over and I found I was making them in stead. My very first mnkey was made just out of curiosity just wanted to have a go at making one and here she is nothing like the ones I do now . I  am very good at hand sewing and at first all my monkeys where hand sewn But as you can imagine took for ever to make .I have developed the style and now part sew on machine but be leave it or not I can't wait to get that part of the sewing done I don't like the machine at all . Think I sew to fast ! My jarome sewing machine is very unpredictable comes unthreaded and also loops the cotton underneath but cross fingers most of the time it sews ok touch wood . I had to save to buy her and thought she was wonderful so much quicker than hand sewing . Socks are not the easiest of things to sew and can't always  find the right ones...

A Bit Of DIY

  To Day  Yes I have been doing a spot of DIY. My small projects become big ones as in my head they don't seem that difficult to do. I had a new boiler fitted before Christmas but unfortunately it left a very unsightly hole in the ceiling and ugerly pipes showing I thought I can do that easy mmmm . Now your all thinking get hubby to do it !! You see I have always done all the DIY as my dad was a decorator by trade I would watch him and learned a lot, plus I'm the artistic one and like decorating and things not sure about the painting after today! So I did it he did make me a box type thing to block the pipes in ? That wasn't the end of it had to reline the walls ,paper the ceiling, forgot regrouting the tiles and fill in a gap where the timer had been and it goes on . Painting ,more holes you get the idea not easy when all you want to do is the nice bit . So I did lose the plot and run out of steam as well as everything else looking after little Joe,making orders for m...

History of the sock monkey

Hello  History of the sock monkey . The sock monkey originated from the Victorian era  Stuffed Animals crafted for children and monkeys became popular and still are . John Nelson a Swedish immigrant to the United States patterned the sock knitting machine in 1868 And began knitting socks . He created Rockford seamless socks hosiery selling under the name of nelsons socks . Later in 1932 the red heeled sock was made known today as the Rockford red heeled sock .The first monkeys was made from worn ones . Then developed in 1953 different designs but Rockford Illinois became the home of the sock monkey and borght the patent rights . The oldest Rockford monkeys that are found now date back to the 1950s to 1970s Fox river mills inc acquired nelson knitting company in 1992 . Homemade red heeled sock monkey dolls have unique faces depending on the person who made them like my monkeys .The manufactured ones have the same face design . New ones today are made from a variety of socks str...