Perfecting the sock monkeys

When I first started 
Way back when I first started making sock monkeys it was just for fun they became popular and although I was making Handmade bag charms they took over and I found I was making them in stead.
My very first mnkey was made just out of curiosity just wanted to have a go at making one and here she is nothing like the ones I do now .

am very good at hand sewing and at first all my monkeys where hand sewn But as you can imagine took for ever to make .I have developed the style and now part sew on machine but be leave it or not I can't wait to get that part of the sewing done I don't like the machine at all . Think I sew to fast !

My jarome sewing machine is very unpredictable comes unthreaded and also loops the cotton underneath but cross fingers most of the time it sews ok touch wood . I had to save to buy her and thought she was wonderful so much quicker than hand sewing . Socks are not the easiest of things to sew and can't always  find the right ones for the job . 

These was made for my first craft fair I did II sold out 

For instance the toe is the head of the monkey that's fine when it's a stripe or plan but patterns end up being up side down and are made the other way the foot being the legs sometimes depending on pattern. When I first started I only did ones the right way up but now do lots of patterned monkeys.

 I also when hand sewing was worried my monkeys wasn't strong enough for children to play with so that's when CE testing came in . All toys have to go through tests to check they are safe and that just threw me thought it isn't possible I'm not a toy manufacturer with lots of money to get my monkeys tested .I was very lucky and found a group on Facebook that helped but that meant that everything I use has to pass the test or have the same eliments .
This has been easier than I first thought and try and keep to mainly the tested socks, cotton, embroidery thread ,felt,and stuffing and have acquired cemical testing certificates for these , Other testing I carry out my self and do on a regular basis .I can use other things like  synthetic eyes and buttons but I am trying to perfect the style I make . So will work n adding.extra things keeping to felt eyes at moment .
But here's one with synthetic eyes 

I do like my monkeys being different and being artistic I like to do art monkeys these are not CE tested as not meant for children just for display and not done many just for special like my man monkey .
Made him as a gift made to look like the person for his leaving presant . I loved making him and when I get time want to do more ! 

Also made Dr who

I also made some birthday monkeys with sock champagne bottles and hippy , airforce ,nurse,wedding monkeys all great fun to make  but not suitable for children more display .

So I am back to my roots a bit at the moment perfecting the design of my basic monkey and got a fascination  with vintage monkeys and intend making one of these . As you know if you have been reading my blog been doing lots of DIY so it's a slow process .
Also want to add sorry to anyone that's been disappointed when not been able to make the monkey they have wanted but I like to keep to the rules and socks are very unpredictable . so learned which I can use and ones I can't .
Not sure how much longer I can carry on making my sock monkeys as other things get in the way but I love it 💕
Thankyou  for reading 
Julie  😊


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