Getting older.


A lot happened since my last blog .
I am feeling very sorry for my self as full of a cold that I can't shake off. think as you get older it's not easy to get rid of the viruses .
My dads 82  and look absolutely fab for his age ,he says it something he has to work at keeping him self healthy,he has a lot of ailments and takes 16 tablets a day !! .

Not all doom and gloom managed get away to Chester over Easter, really enjoyed our stay lovely hotel at the side of the canal Called The Mill if you ever visit give it a try it's always booked up very popular place .

When we got back felt refreshed had a million ideas in my head but knew I had lots to do first .
Still monkeys to finish ,Avon to do , been decorating my kitchen and still not finished , and my little grandson Joe look after . When I was younger I was alway decorating now it takes me for ever .
Just shows how things change and if I hadn't of picked handmade as a living perhaps I could get someone in . But I do enjoy doing it my self perhaps I should have been an interior designer . Forgot to mention recovering the covers on my lovey couch that has seen better days ! .

I have three monkeys to make today so I will have to get a move on just wanted to blogg I must tell my self that I can do it . Decided I am going to make some monkeys for sale after these pending orders and have other ideas love the art dolls and anything vintage so may be changing things again ,also the calendar to take pictures for so all to do ! But it's just in my head and at the mo with this cold feel like sitting round the house and doing nothing .

Yes I have had two bottles of lucozade ! Need energy pills 

Feel free to take a look at my places my jas crafty moments page is getting a lot of interest at moment .
Great ideas for crafty projects ,videos, helpful hints for anyone who wants to have a handmade business ,lots of help out there thanks for reading .

Julie 😊 Sunnyteddys designs 


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