Taking pictures

Taking photos is something I do all the time 

When you first start in the handmade business you can't go out and employ a professional photographer to take your pictures you have to do it all your self .
Things have changed a lot since I first started my problem is I would work all day on the things 
I made and couldn't wait to show them . Trying to take pictures at night was a big problem so much help now but I always found natural light was the best .

The time I wasted trying to find the best place to take pictures more time than it took to make them .
Think I have worked my way through a few cameras funny some I broke dropping them oops .
I use my iPad a lot now find it easier and my subjects are a little bigger than the bag charms I photographed before so easy as photos are instant for the fast pace of social media like Facebook .

Also have what I call a proper camera but the process of down loading the pictures on to my old laptop is time consuming . I am working on a calendar featuring my monkeys for 2017 so my skills will have to improve or hubby will have to take them .

We visited Ramsbottom near bury the train station still run steam trains every day and the station is set in the 1940 style . 
My hubby had the camera and I had the iPad and we took along odd sock my sock monkey he loves having his picture taken .I was very surprised how good the photos turned out . The station wasn't that busy so we had opatunaty to take these great pictures .

Lovely sunny day I may use one of the pictures for my calendar love the one of odd sock on the old suitcases and this one with the Brooke blond tea sign 

I think what you get with the professional camera is clearer distant photos 
I found a few tips for photography put them on my jas crafty and DIY age on Facebook if any help 

Also some a great idea for making a cheap light box 
I am sure I will be showing the pictures for the new calendar soon wish me luck .

I must tell you I am still doing the orders but wanted to tell you I'm working on monkeys for sale and managed to put my first one on folksy today 😊
He's called Skittles and he's very cute picture taken with my iPad ❤️

Hope to make more exciting !! 
You can visit my Facebook page Sunnyteddys designs to see all my monkeys Thankyou 
Be back with more soon thanks for reading 
Julie 😊


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