Art or doodle

Love colour love drawing love a doodle 

Yes you guessed it I love to draw 

I take my hat off if you can draw and paint you are a talented person. I did do some painting my self  do have a love of flowers and so painted quite a few . Everyone has a style and so many brilliant artists I follow a few on Facebook Susie Lidstone her work is beautiful well worth a look   d  I made a pendant for her with her gorgeous picture of sunflowers amazing . 

When I was younger and lived at home I painted a mural on the wall crazy girl with lots of hair very bright talking 70s flower power that's me .I can remember wanting a Spirograph for Christmas loved it.

I haven't done any painting in a while as I now make sock monkeys that was years ago ! My only claim to fame of being an artist was a picture I sold on my little stall at Botany Bay for £50 did sell others but that's the most I ever got for one . I often wonder if they still have it was a large canvas of sunflowers and a little house in the distance . Think I wanted to live in that house.
Heres the picture ( photo I took at the time ) with some other pictures you can be very cynical of your own work .

I had a short spell of designing cards still make all the tags for my monkeys my logos a doodle that I did on my iPad ( drawing desk app) then I scale to size on my laptop and print can also add names . Did make some Valentine cards with the design valentines just gone this year .

I'm thinking of buying a wacom drawing tablet don't really know a lot about them they connect to your PC and you can create designs but I like the idea .

Funny but I still like to draw even though I don't think I'm good enough did a few back ground pictures when I made bag charms to make them interesting really had great fun ! pics above. Everyone should draw 😊

Have a go at zentangle that's just amazing shapes in shapes I'm in a group on Facebook taking doodling to another level . the adult colouring books love them not that I have time to colour but very therapeutic so if you can't draw get one of these do some colouring in .

The reason I'm telling you this I have been doodling a lot recently putting the pics on Instagram and generally  playing on my iPad even little joes been playing to there's a kids doodle on it fab .
Drawing desk on iPad app

Still haven't quite found my true vocation haha and time going on they say you go backwards may be true I'm still a little girl .
Serously not sure where my creative talents is taking me wish I had done something earlier in life . I have done lots of things like hairdressing when I left school , then worked in shoes for a long time did the window displays .love doing the DIY as you know and of corse making my monkeys lots of other crafty things .
But now thinking maybe something else so may take a few courses your never to old to learn .
Like writing this blog

Thanks for reading get drawing  

Julie 💕



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