That Doll part 2

That Doll part 2

Yes that Doll I decided wasn’t over keen on the lips I had repainted and the paint was still wet so removed it.
The doll was still on my mind I listed it on Etsy still not sure where she had come from ? I was sure I had seen a doll like her when looking through vintage dolls.
Trying to list her wasn’t easy kept saying error finally Listed I looked at the pictures it was late pictures looked fuzzy something was telling me It’s not right you know when you get a feeling about something and it won’t go away till you sort the problem that was this doll. Ok so I had to search it was late but wasn’t going to give up as By magic it took me straight to the doll in sold on eBay but it wasn’t a girl it was a boy doll that explained a lot.
My pretty girl doll was a boy but not any boy he was made to commemorate the birth of HRH Prince William during the 1980s. This inspired the house of nisbet to produce a collection of dolls called royal babies.  The letters on back of neck was PN the name being Peggy Nisbet who made lots of royal dolls but smaller with costume dress.
I instantly removed from sale so now have to find some boys clothes as close to original can’t have him being a girl so still lots to do.
How the doll was originally
Not sure it looks like Prince William love the outfit and the red shoes can’t see on picture will never be able to find the same one but as I spend most of my time looking for dolls clothes sure I will find
something and then that doll will finally go on sale or maybe I will keep him who knows what will 
  happen that will be up to the Doll.
This is my doll
What do you think boy or girl ?

Thanks for reading Julie 


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